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California Building Officials
Sharon Goei, President
Western Pacific League of Building Officials
Ron Takiguchi, Chair
Los Angeles Basin ICC Basin
Shahen Akelyan, President
ICC Upper Great Plains Region III
Tom Paisley, President
Florida House of Representatives
Stan McClain, State Presentative
Building Officials Association of Florida, Inc.
Clayton Parker, President
Building Officials Association of Palm Beach County
Jacek Tomasik, BOAPBC 2019 President​
Building Officials Association of Louisiana
Danika Gorrondona, BOAL President​
Maryland Building Officials Association
Jason Green, President
Mechanical Inspectors Association of Michigan
Ed Bartram, President
Metropolitan Mechanical Inspectors Association
Kendall Nightlinger, President
New Jersey Association of Technical Assistants
Dawn M. Neil, President
New York State Codes Coalition
F.J. Spinelli, NYSAFC / Travis Dawley, NYSFM&IA /
Steven E. Klein, FASNY / Tom Rinaldi, AFDSNY /
Chris Jensen, NYSBOC
Building Officials Association of Texas (BOAT)
Michael Olson, President
Calidad y Sustentabilidad en la Edificación, A.C. CASEDI
Eleazar Acuña Cabrera, Sr., President
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